All Currency Inflation Commands

Full specification for /inflation

inflation update

Use update to set the configuration of the inflation at any time. This will need to be configured at least once before starting.

  • amount - This is the amount of "likes" that can be given away by your community. Every time a "like" is given, it turns into a coin, split between the giver and the receiver. By default this amount is the total amount minted for the realm

  • type - Choose how inflation distributes likes, where the amount is split across the whole population proportional to coin holdings, or the amount is given to each coin holder equally. This will have dramatic effects on the rate of coin inflation, one is overall, the other is each citizen. For instance if you specify a rate of 100 per day, when "give equally" is selected, this means every day each coin holder will earn 100 likes to give out. If "proportional" is selected, those 100 likes are split pro-rata across the entire realm

  • per - When specifying an inflation rate, you are asked to choose a time period. You cannot choose a combination that calculates to more than coin per second. Realms allow new coins to be minted at the rate you specify as soon as a coin is available. For instance if you specified 60 coins per hour, realms would not give 60 mints every hour, but once every minute.

inflation start

Begin inflation at any point.

inflation stop

Stop automatic inflation at any time, use /inflation start to resume it.

inflation about

See if inflation is enabled and if so see details about it.

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