đŸĻ¸For Admins

Get started with Realms as a Discord Admin


Ensure Realms is installed in your server Install Realms and you are an admin of the Discord server.


We have a dedicated section to Discord permissioning: Discord Permissions.

Create Your First Realm

When you are ready to begin, find or create a channel you want to designate for your first realm and type "/realm create" and hit enter. This will create a realm inside the channel. To interact with this realm, all commands must be issued here. More information on Discord commands.

Add Realm Admins

When a realm is created, it automatically finds Discord admins and adds them as admins of the realm. You can also add other admins. These admins have power to do anything within the realm, such as minting currency, burning currency, creating votes and distribution rounds. If there are any non Discord admins you want to add as admins of the realm use "/realm add_admin" and search for the user you want to add.

Minting Currency

Each realm has a currency which you have full control over by using the "/mint" and "/burn" commands. Users need to have been minted some currency to be able to interact with the realm. To start, lets give admins some currency. Do a "/mint admin 10" to give 10 units of currency to all admins in the realm.

Currency Statistics

At any time you can see the top currency holders in the realm using "/currency about". This acts somewhat like a leaderboard to see who are the most influential people in the realm.

Create a Vote

You can now create a vote and have any currency holders participate. Type "/vote create <description> <option_1> <option_2>". Where description is the text users will see when they are voting, and option 1 and 2 are the options they can vote on. Once the vote is created, its only visible to you, but a few buttons should be available.

Open the Vote

When a vote is created, its not public yet. This allows you to stage multiple hidden votes until you are ready to reveal them. Press the "Start Voting" button, this will open it up to all currency holders. Alternatively you can use the "/vote open <vote>" command.

See Vote Status

Vote progress is visible by using the "/vote about <vote>" command. You must search through all votes to find the particular vote you are interested in. Vote status will tell you how much currency has been used to vote, and how many people voted. This will let you judge if there has been enough participation before closing the vote.

Close the Vote

End the vote and finalize the results by using "/vote close <vote>" or by scrolling to find the "Close Vote" button in the chat window. Closing the vote prevents any more votes from coming in, and shows you a summary of the results, which you can also check with "/vote about <vote>".

Reward Voters

Realms has the option to retroactively reward vote participants using the "/mint vote <vote> <amount>" command. This allows you to give active and participating users a way to earn more currency. Use this command, and select the vote you want to reward. Inputting an amount is optional, so you can omit it to give all vote participants 1 unit of currency.

Distribute More Currency

Realms has a feature to allow holders to mint new currency in a controlled way using Currency Inflation. Only admins can create the round using "/currency inflation start <amount> <per_time>". The amount here will be the maximum amount of currency minted by the community per time period. Try creating a round with 10 units per minute. Once created, it automatically starts running. You have the option to stop it with "/currency inflation stop".

Liking Peers

Once inflation starts, each holder gets an allowance to mint new currency by liking their peers using emojis 👍. Unlike the mint command, which mints currency instantly, inflation only mints when someone expresses a reaction. Use the 👍reaction to any messages in the realms channel, this will mint the author half a unit (.5) and mint you half a unit immediately, as well as give both of you a notification. Suggest that people in the channel send messages and react to them using 👍.

Inflation Progress

Anyone can see general statistics about the inflation. This includes who is the most liked, who has liked other the most, and who has the most likes left to give. See this using "/currency inflation about".

End Inflation

Ending inflation effectively stops the distributing new currency to mint. Use "/currency inflation stop" to stop it. It can be resumed at any time with start.

Changing Reaction Emojis and Values

By default inflation rounds use the thumbs up emoji 👍reaction to messages, to signal that the reactor wants to give a like to the author. This can be customized for all realms by using "/settings". If you want to remove this default, use "/settings <emoji> <value>" where emoji is ":+1: " and value is "0". A value of zero removes an emoji from the list of reactions. If you want to add a new one, you use the same command and set any emoji you like for example emoji=:fire: and value=10.


This hopefully gives you a basic overview of how to use Realms features and what they do. There are more options to explore, and its up to you to decide how best to apply these tool to your community. If you have any questions, problems, or even requests for new features head to our contacts page and let us know: Contact.

Last updated