Quiz File Format

Generate quizzes in a spreadsheet to import into Realms

Example Format

Copy this example into a file, save it, and you will be able to upload this to the Realms bot as well as import and create 2 new quizzes:

Which element on the periodic table is represented by the symbol 'K'?,30,true,true,Potassium,Iron,Helium,Carbon,Neon,Silicon,Nitrogen,Oxygen,Hydrogen,Calcium
What is the capital city of Australia?,,,,Canberra,Sydney,Melbourne,Brisbane,Perth,Adelaide

In this example we create two quizzes:

  1. Which element on the periodic table is represented by the symbol 'K'?

    • Timer - This has a timer of 30 seconds, which the quiz will automatically close

    • Punish - It has punish set to true, which will cause wrong answer to lose one point

    • Reward - It has reward set to true which will cause right answer to gain a point

    • Correct - The correct answer is Potassium, which is first in the list of options

    • Options - There are 9 other wrong options which will be randomized on quiz creation

  2. What is the capital city of Australia?

    • Timer - This has a blank spot for timer, which means an admin must close this quiz manually

    • Punish - It has a blank spot for punish, which defaults to false

    • Reward - It has a blank spot for reward, which defaults to true

    • Correct - The correct answer is Canberra

    • Options - It has 5 more incorrect options, which are randomized on quiz creation

Quiz CSV Specification

If your description or options contain commas, this will cause a problem for importing the file, unfortunately you will need to remove any commas not representing a break in columns. Heading lines will be ignored, but are not necessary to include. To omit an cell, use an empty comma. Realms will do its best to import and create as many quizzes as it can from the file.

NOTE: All options will be randomized on quiz creation and will not be presented in the same order as the CSV file

Column NameFunctionColumn TypeRequiredDefault


Quiz question




Timer in Seconds

Seconds to run before auto close. If omitted quiz is closed manually.

whole number




Remove one coin from wrong answers. If omitted, wrong answers do not remove coins.

true or false




Add one coin from correct answers. If omitted coins are earned for right answers.

true or false



Correct Option

The correct option for the quiz description.




Option 2

An incorrect option to could choose from.




Option 3 - 10

Another incorrect option

to choose from.




Last updated